Wellness Pricing

Our fees are based on a number of factors such as the amount of time involved in the treatment, the level of skill and continuing education our staff has, the quality of our staff, our facilities and equipment and the quality of anesthetics, medications and drugs used.

The following prices are to be used as an estimate only as services and prices can vary at time of visit depending on various factors including pet age and weight. A more accurate estimate can be given by the veterinarian after the animal is examined.

This list is not a complete price or service list.


Annual Exam, 1-7 Years Old
Annual Exam, Senior
Office Visit
Recheck Exam
Day of Urgent Exam
Emergency Exam


Canine Distemper (DA2PP)
Canine Rabies 3-Year
Canine Lyme
Canine Leptospirosis
Canine Oral Bordetella
Canine Influenza H3N8/H3N2
Feline Purevax Distemper 0.5mL
Feline Purevax Rabies 0.5mL 1-Year
Feline Purevax Rabies 0.5mL 3-Year
Feline Purevax Leukemia 0.5mL

Treatments & Labs

Heartworm 4DX Test
Anal Gland Expression
Fecal with Giardia
Nail Trims

For our surgery prices, please click here.